#新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析

Share a cruel metaphysical law, the sooner you wake up, the sooner you change

People who lack love since childhood have a very low desire to make money, do not have the power to continue learning, and spend most of their time and energy on dealing with emotions.

They have no feelings about buying cars and houses, getting ahead, getting married and having children. They have no motivation to do anything, only physical instincts.

The fundamental reason is that these people have too obvious needs for emotions and are overly sensitive to the words and deeds of people around them.

They generally fall into two extremes, either they pursue emotions all their lives, achieve nothing, and their emotions are a mess, or they pass the emotional barrier and only focus on their own ideas.

Finally, standing on a high place, surrounded by friends, the so-called emotional barrier is not to make you pure and abstinent from desire, but to let go of the obsession of being loved.

Observe the people around you who are doing well, rich, and free and easy. They don’t care about other people’s thoughts at all, and they will not pin their emotions on others.