One day, I saw a dancing anchor ☕

It was a little anchor with no fame. She looked okay, a bit charming, and her dance was pretty good.

Suddenly, a big brother came to the live broadcast room. I don’t know what happened to this big brother. Maybe he was in a whim. He came to the live broadcast room and gave people gifts crazily.

Others gave gifts worth a few dollars or tens of dollars. This rich big brother started with hundreds of dollars and gave dozens of gifts.

The girl was stunned on the spot. It was the first time she saw such a rich big brother.

Then the girl smiled and was grateful on the spot. She gave the big brother a sexy dance.

Seeing this, the big brother didn’t say anything. He started his personal show in the live broadcast room. All kinds of luxurious gifts were given to the anchor one after another. All of them were ridiculously expensive.

The girl was excited on the spot after seeing it. It felt like a different person, and her twisting body became more crazy.

I saw the host's expression at that time, which was indescribable. There was light in her eyes, giving people the feeling that a fallen woman who had never seen the world met a life-saving star, and then one day a rich man on the list wished that she could take off her clothes and pay for him.

Then the big brother left without saying a few words after giving several gifts worth W. I guess he was in a hurry to go to the next host.

Then this matter was not over yet. On the second day, I still went to the live broadcast room of this female anchor. After yesterday's madness, the female anchor had no mood to dance, and she was completely depressed.

It seems that the rich big brother did not come to the live broadcast room today.

On the third day, I went to her live broadcast room again when I was free. The main reason was that the girl was really good-looking.

I saw the female anchor sitting alone on a chair, she was so lost that she didn't know what she was doing, and her eyes were red and swollen. I knew at a glance that the rich big brother who was obsessed with her today still didn't come to the live broadcast room.

At that time, I was thinking about whether I should also open a membership and give some small gifts to comfort the girl. Afterwards, I thought about it and realized that I couldn’t comfort her with my financial resources.

She was used to eating abalone, so how could she appreciate the pickled taro and vegetables served.

So I thought about it for a while and gave up.

Then, looking at the girl’s appearance, I remembered a sentence:

Some people have their worth marked in their fate. But she was too young at that time and didn't know how much she was worth.

In fact, people really need to read more books. Otherwise, it is difficult to resist the temptation of money.

A knowledgeable and cultured person can read her books quietly no matter what temptations she encounters, and finally experience many setbacks and difficulties, and take the rewards given by fate with peace of mind.

Or simply wave your sleeves, wash your ears by the river, and become a fisherman fishing alone in the cold river snow.

However, a woman who likes pie in the sky, except for temporary joy, tears, and useless money, is empty and nothing is left.

Such people find it difficult to make a lot of money, and their fate is also full of twists and turns, which makes people sigh.

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