ETH is going to rise in June, which is everyone's expectation at present.

At present, whether you have been trapped or have lost faith, if ETH rises suddenly, l2ARB

will definitely perform.

Ethereum and Bitcoin have taken different routes. Ethereum aims to build the most mature and largest ecosystem on the blockchain to serve a wider range of people.

2. The close connection between Ethereum and L2

The success of Ethereum is inseparable from the rise of L2 (second-layer solution). Without the bandwidth support provided by L2, Ethereum may not be able to cope with a large number of transactions. At present, a large number of transactions in the Ethereum ecosystem have been transferred to the L2 sector, and even many newcomers have joined the Ethereum community through the L2 sector.

3. Future prospects of L2

The fastest growing in the L2 sector is ARB. Although its market value has not yet reached an extremely high level, it has shown great potential. As the expected approval of the Ethereum ETF approaches, large funds may be deployed in advance to drive the L2 sector up. Considering that L2 has gathered more than 85% of Ethereum's transaction volume, its upside is worth looking forward to.

#BTC #ETH #PEPE #SHIB #美国4月核心PCE指标显示通胀放缓

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