【2024-6-1 Bitcoin BTC Market Analysis】

Currently, Bitcoin is in a volatile area, but often after the volatility, there will be a market. As for the market trend after the volatility, you can pay attention to the points I mentioned. The market has two pin positions: 67531.7-67249.2. If the 15-minute K-line entity near these two places does not fall below, it will go up. The target position is: 67886.3-68667.4. Reduce positions near these two places. Pay attention to these two pin positions. If the entity breaks, don’t do too much. Warm reminder: When doing small varieties, you need to pay attention to the trend of the market! If there are novices who don’t know how to read the market, click on my avatar homepage to find me. If you don’t understand, don’t refer to it.

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