At the daily level of Bitcoin, KDJ and MACD continue to shrink. Although BOLL continues to fall overall, the lower track shows a small upward technical change, and the short-term tail volume signal appears.

Ethereum has a painting door and clear sky during the day. According to the large-scale trend, the short-term coin price is still in the box structure to make a "high-throw and low-buy" box shock adjustment. So here we still follow the low-multiple view of the large-scale trend line.

From the 12-hour level line, the KDJ and MACD indicators of Bitcoin and Ethereum fluctuated upward, and the volume of the guillotine was reduced accordingly. The current upward range of the lower track of BOLL is greater than that of the daily Bollinger Band. The trading idea in the early morning is to step back and do doubles. The specific points can be referred to:

Big cake: 67000-67300 doubles, target 68500

Ether: 3720-3740 near doubles, target 3850#ETH #5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿 #BTC走势分析 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准