[Hello, June 1st. BTC changed its fate in May and maintained high consolidation. Where are the opportunities this month? ]

2024.6.1 8:58 AM BTC market analysis

The whole month of May fluctuated by 15,000 dollars. Since the bottoming out on May 1st, it has fluctuated all the way to May 21st, and the space of 15,000 dollars has been created. It opened at 67,577 this month. Although it bottomed out at 66,700 in the early morning (the basic indicator of the 66,500 line prompted in the past two days has been stepped back), it will rebound quickly to 68,059. At this moment, it is consolidating at 67,600. The points are all the points that have been paid attention to in recent days. I have to say that the main force of BTC is really thief!

BTC attention

Support 67000/66500-66800

Pressure is temporarily set at 67800-68000, and it can move up to 68800-69000 if it breaks through

In terms of operation, if the price falls on the weekend, short positions or positions below 30% can be appropriately increased to 30-50% of the swing position, and the position can be reduced at any time in the next three to five days when a rebound occurs!

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