After a night, the market of the big cake did not move much. After reaching 66700 at around midnight, it gradually recovered to the midnight high of around 68000. Overall, it has walked out of the floating space of more than 1,000 points, and the degree of pull-up is slightly lower than expected; in the morning, it retested 700 to 800 points to around 67200. The trend of the aunt is similar to that of the big cake, and it also rises first and then falls. The operating range is between 3740-3800, and the space is roughly around 60 points. In this market, after going in before going to bed, Duodan takes the direct sales and nephew points, and it is also a pleasure to get a few hundred points when you wake up in the morning. Today is both Saturday and Children's Day, and the market may be flat for two days. Friends may wish to take some time to accompany their children and family. This is the meaning of everyone's hard work.

After experiencing a downward impact in a short period of time, the big cake market showed a certain degree of recovery demand; from the hourly level, we can see that the midnight market rose to around 68,000, and at the same time, it just touched the middle track and was severely pressed to give a retracement. The market after the sunrise also maintained stability between the middle and lower tracks; the KDJ three strings continued to open and rise, and the market still had the power to rise. The morning and afternoon 🉑 were arranged around Duo.

Big cake: 67100-67600 Duo, look at 68600

Aunt: 3740-3760 Duo, look at 3820#BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #5月市场关键事件 $BTC $ETH $BNB