#EarnFreeCrypto2024 #uxlink #空投大毛

The latest official announcement of uxlink confirmed the airdrop snapshot time:

Please remember these important dates!

At 23:59 (UTC) on June 3, our long-awaited important moment - "In UXLINK We Dex" kicked off S2! Please look forward to the exclusive benefits that will be launched soon.

In addition, we have also integrated pre-market investment, MEMECOIN trading, SWAP with rebates, staking and other opportunities to make money with ecosystem developers. Tell us anything that interests you ~ Let's Dance & DEX together!

The S1 season has ended and the S2 season has begun. According to the roadmap, Uxlink will be listed on the exchange in the second half of the year. However, this time you can receive uxlink, which means the tokens will be issued. It is estimated that after the tokens are issued, they will be listed on the exchange one after another.

route map

Regarding the collection of tokens for Season 1, the official announcement:

-$UXLINK token airdrop season 1 will be snapshotted at 23:59UTC on June 3, and the NFT ID range will be announced after the snapshot.

- Make sure you hold your NFT when the $UXLINK token claiming website goes live.

-$UXLINK token airdrop season 2 will start on June 3rd at 24:00 UTC

It mentioned that the range of NFT IDs will be announced, indicating that there may be anti-witch strategies. Anyway, hurry up to generate NFTs. Holding NFTs is an airdrop certificate, waiting for the website to be launched. If you have extra uxuy points, you can wait until the second season to use them. In the second season, there will be new ways to earn points such as Dex, Swap, Stake, etc.

Official Announcement

Regarding the token value, uxlink has investments from multiple exchanges (ok, gate, kucoin, etc.), so there is no pressure to be listed.

Total amount: 1 billion, distributed as follows:

Community: 65%

Private Sale: 21.25%

Team: 8.75%

Treasure (Reserve): 5%

According to the current post-IPO valuation of similar applications exceeding 1 billion, uxlink is a leading application, so the upper limit of uxlink is expected to be $1.

uxlink is actually a disguised ICO, and the official sold a lot of NFTs. According to the official NFT floor price of 1.61 eth corresponding to 25,000 coins, each uxlink is worth about $0.2.

The predicted token value is between 0.2$ - 1.0$.

I bought 5 NFTs of 10 tokens each on Binance, which is 50 coins, and I estimate it will be worth 10 dollars.

In addition, there is a small tip, you can continue to sign in on Binance. Although the task has been blacked out, you can continue to sign in and save up Uxuy points for S2. Those who haven't exchanged NFTs should hurry up.