Beosin: Hacker attacks in May? Phishing scams and Rug Pulls caused a total loss of $154 million?

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#5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析 #ETF交易机器人

In May 2024, the amount of losses from various security incidents increased compared with April. In May 2024, more than 27 typical security incidents occurred, and the total loss caused by hacker attacks, phishing scams and Rug Pulls reached $154 million, an increase of about 52.5% from April. Among them, the attack incidents were about $54.51 million, an increase of about 3.7%; the phishing scam incidents were about $97.4 million, an increase of about 754%; the Rug Pull incidents were about $2.04 million, a decrease of about 94.5%. This month, there were 2 hacker attacks with losses exceeding 10 million US dollars: the game platform Gala Games lost $22.5 million due to private key leakage, and Sonne Finance lost $20 million due to contract vulnerabilities. Phishing scams increased significantly this month, with multiple phishing incidents involving losses exceeding $1 million, including one address poisoning scam involving a loss of $72 million. Crypto crime cases continued to increase this month, with multiple crimes involving more than $100 million.

Gala Games recently lost $22.5 million due to a private key leak. This negative news may affect community sentiment and investor confidence, and put pressure on GALA prices in the short term. However, long-term bullish/bearish expectations depend on the company's response and the overall market trend. The current price is 0.04299. Given the direct impact of the security incident, it is recommended to wait and see in the short term and pay attention to Gala Games' subsequent actions and market reactions. Long-term investment requires an assessment of corporate governance, market resilience, and the overall direction of the cryptocurrency industry.

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