Golden Finance reported that Vitalik said that when he personally experienced the Bitcoin block size dispute, he usually stood on the side of the big blockers, and his sympathy for the big blockers was mainly focused on the following key points: One of the key promises of Bitcoin was digital cash, and high fees could kill this use case; I don’t believe in the “meta-level” story of the small blockers. Small block supporters often argue that “Bitcoin should be controlled by users” and “users don’t support large blocks”, but are never willing to identify any specific way to define who is a “user” or measure what they want; The small blockers eventually believed in the idea of ​​“soft forks are good, hard forks are bad” (which I strongly oppose) and designed a way to increase the block size to accommodate this rule, although Bier admitted that the complexity increased so much that many big blockers could not understand the plan; The small blockers are indeed engaging in very inappropriate social media censorship to impose their views, which ultimately led to Theymos’s infamous remarks, “If 90% of /r/Bitcoin users find these policies intolerable, then I hope these 90% of /r/Bitcoin users will leave.”