The three steps of life's counterattack: first get rich, then elegant, and then run for freedom

Young people, do you feel confused and uneasy when you first enter the society? Don't worry, listen to me to plan a counterattack path for you.

The first step: make money even if you have to sell everything

Before the age of 35, your first task is to make money! Don't be confused by those chicken soups of "poetry and distant places". Without money, you can only live in the shadow of others and be subject to all kinds of people and things you don't like. Financial independence is your first step towards spiritual independence and personality perfection.

The second step: cultivate your inner self and achieve your true self

When you have a certain amount of wealth and solve basic survival problems, it's time to find and cultivate your hobbies. This is not just for entertainment and recreation, but also for you to grow spiritually and become a more complete and true self.

The third step: break through the shackles and run towards freedom

Many people have been enduring the internal friction of the environment, circle and interpersonal relationships throughout their lives. They only know how to endure, but don't know how to find a way out. And you, with the accumulation of the previous two steps, already have enough strength and courage to break through these constraints and run to the free land you yearn for.

Go to the city you want to go to, do the career you are good at and like, this is the real life! And those who are still confused and struggling, they will only go further and further on the road of life, and finally become marginalized people in society.

So, young people, don't hesitate anymore, take action quickly! According to this counterattack trilogy of "getting rich first, then elegant, and then running for freedom", you can also become the one who truly enjoys life!

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