BONK antenna level officially entered the short side. Yesterday, the purple signal point was closed, which means that the antenna level relayed down. It is currently close to the origin. Brothers, you can go to the small level to find a short position!

The 1-hour level had a purple signal point at 4 o'clock this morning, which was a signal for shorting, but it was not noticed. If it was noticed, the highest profit would be 4.45% so far.

Pay attention to the position of 0.00003402 today. If it breaks down, continue to look short and wait for the short position to buy. When the purple signal appears, then close it. The position close to the next dot is our entry point.

The current price is around 0.00003459. Focus on whether it can break through the sideways zone, or the short position after a wave of rise.

The target position is 0.00003369-0.00003304. The support level is 0.00003581#meme板块关注热点 #5月市场关键事件 #新币挖矿 #BONKUSDT $BONK $ETH $BTC