Many people asked K why NOT can be so accurate and directly escape the bottom! Why can you be so arrogant when issuing orders! 0.01220 directly short to 0.011390!

In the so-called currency circle, choice is more important than effort. When you choose the right one, you just need to wait for food! Those who are misled and shouting should really be cut into pieces!

They don’t even know that the 20-minute line deviates from the target by 40 minutes, and many people follow and shout blindly! The most hurt are the so-called Xiaobai, who are led astray by many people without understanding the market. My points are accurate, and those so-called bloggers who shout NOT will spray in the comments, and I will ignore them. This is why I dared to post directly to shout NOT short at noon today when I was so confident.

When you choose the right team, I will help you even when you are on the verge of death. Sometimes, hard work and the confidence given to you are the most important, which comes from a kind of psychological support! #5月市场关键事件 #六月市场关键消息