#ORDIUSDT The current market value is around 1 billion US dollars, and the highest market value is around 2 billion. It took about half a year to reach a market value of 1 billion US dollars, and there were also various market adjustments along the way. #币安热门推荐 After going online, it continued to rise and reached a market value of 1 billion or even 2 billion US dollars.


And #DOG from the airdrop to now, in just over two months, it has already reached 800 million US dollars

So is this the end of ORDI and it can no longer create new ones?

That's not the case.

The two appeared at different times, in different environments, and with different emotions.

Ordi appeared in March last year. No one was interested in it at the beginning, and it was only in a very niche circle. As the market began to recover in October last year and Bitcoin began to lead the rise, Ordi slowly began to appear in the vision of more people. Ordi has actually gone through the time period that a normal project should go, and market consensus has also been established.

It’s just that in the previous large top range, there are too many trapped shares, and it takes time to wash out these trapped shares. Only after washing out the trapped chips will it be more conducive to further rise.

New highs will definitely appear, as for how high they can go, we just need to leave it to time.