In yesterday’s article, Ju Zuo explained how Comrade Trump Jianguo had set off a revolutionary wave in the U.S. and used socialist means to inflict continuous blows on the decadent capitalist system.

You can click on the avatar to read the original text: Trump, this time he chooses to stand with the people in the cryptocurrency circle!

Continuing from the last time, what we are going to talk about today is how Biden was shocked, scared, and panicked after Comrade Trump raised the banner of the encryption revolution.

There are two very interesting details:

1. The Biden team began to contact people related to encryption to win the support of this part of voters.

Remember Warren mentioned in yesterday’s article by Juzuo?

This is Elizabeth Warren, who is called Biden's agent by the media. She is a staunch anti-cryptocurrency person and is in a high position of power. She can directly mobilize the SEC to strike hard against cryptocurrencies.

But after the SEC approved the Bitcoin and Ethereum ETFs, it also meant that the SEC stabbed Warren and Biden in the back, and then old lady Warren has been criticizing the SEC in various ways.

But now the new strategy of the Biden team means that Warren has been abandoned within Biden.

Because in America today, anyone who stands in the way of cryptocurrency must die.

Although old Biden will not die, he is likely to lose the presidency because of this.

Faced with the historic dilemma of both Warren and the president falling into the water, it was easy for Biden Sr. to make the choice.

This big turn cannot be called a 180-degree turn, it is at least a 720-degree Thomas full turn.

The main goal is to give Chuan Jianguo a big slap even with his feet.

The list of people contacted by the Biden team even includes many key industry leaders who were previously rejected by the Biden administration. This time, they were so popular that they couldn't help but blush.

As for the results of the contact, we can continue to pay attention.

The second detail is that the SEC was fined.

You read that right, it was the SEC that was fined, not the SEC that fined others $1.8 million.

The cause of this incident was that last year the SEC (Warren's thugs) abused their power and set up Debt Box, just like blackmailing other cryptocurrency companies, claiming that the company was suspected of defrauding investors of nearly $50 million by selling unregistered securities.

But this time the blackmail obviously failed. The judge found that the SEC abused its power, so he dismissed the SEC's lawsuit against Debt Box and required the SEC to pay $1 million in attorney fees, litigation costs, and $750,000 in receiver fees, totaling $1.8 million.

Judge Shelby is awesome!

Although the fine is not large, only $1.8 million, it is just a drop in the bucket for the protection fees the SEC has collected from crypto companies in the past few years.

But this is a historic turning point, which means that the judicial system and the SEC are no longer in the same boat, at least they will no longer be biased because of the SEC's status as a regulatory agency.

If we think more deeply, this has actually sounded the clarion call for the counterattack of cryptocurrency. If the SEC cannot successfully blackmail Debt Box, then more companies will say no to the SEC.

The SEC may still be able to extort money, but its credibility and ability to make money will be greatly reduced.

The latest news is that DO KWON will also reach a settlement with the SEC. His Luna caused one of the biggest market shocks in the history of the cryptocurrency world.

This also means that the SEC is loosening its standards in terms of crackdowns. You have to know that if there is a pillar of shame in the cryptocurrency world, Kwon Do-hyung's name will definitely be there.

Of course, Biden's team will not sit idly by. They have confirmed Trump's business crimes through legal means, and deliberately made the announcement a few days before the Republican Party announced its presidential candidate, specifically to disgust the Republican Party. The US election is really getting more and more interesting.

Let’s see how Comrade Chuan Jianguo will respond in July. Can he pull off a Jedi counterattack?

Regardless, the fact that both the current and former presidents have begun to actively woo the cryptocurrency industry is very good news for cryptocurrency holders around the world.

Ju Zuo feels that more and more chips have been pressed on our side of the crypto circle, and the balance of victory has begun to tilt towards us.

I really hope that the day will come when we, the players in the crypto circle, can walk in the sun and not be viewed with tinted glasses. Only then can we truly be proud of ourselves.

I hope your wealth is worthy of the grievances you have suffered.