Let's talk briefly about the market. I haven't talked about this for a long time. Before Ethereum passed, I said in the group that it would be pulled to a position in a play. A few days ago, the first batch of documents were passed, and it was said that the market would fluctuate. Since that day, I haven't paid attention to the market. It's a very boring market. Until yesterday, I said in the group that there will be news in the next half month...

Long-term risks: I personally think that the biggest risk of this bull market is not the United States, but us. Whether it is the Taiwan Strait or the geopolitical issues after the rapid economic development. They will subtly affect the market. The impact of the Taiwan Strait is relatively large. It is a time bomb for the market. Once a problem occurs, it is no less than the 94 earthquake that year. At present, this kind of thing is quite unsolvable. OKX immediately withdrew from the Hong Kong market after the Taiwan Strait issue became tense. The timing is very consistent. It is estimated that Lao Xu is afraid of being sanctioned by the United States and the West. After all, OKX has invested so much in Hong Kong and will not withdraw for no reason...

Short-term risks: After Europe cuts interest rates and releases water, the United States maintains the current interest rate and suddenly chooses to raise interest rates to harvest Europe. After all, the interest rate hike has little impact on the Asia-Pacific region. Only the pure land in Europe is worth cutting off. It is impossible for Africa to be cut off by it. Africa still needs poverty alleviation.

Long-term benefits: high-bandwidth public chains are a must-fight place! After all, blockchains need to serve large financial institutions, and costs and transaction speeds need to be considered. The stablecoin market will continue to expand, which will help the United States promote the dollar. From the attitude of the United States, we can also see that it is determined to control the currency circle. This is also one of the most important reasons why the Ethereum ETF can be passed. Subsequent stable legislation is a short-term negative and a long-term positive.

The valuable sector is the Defi sector. The scale of the Defi sector has tripled in this round of bull market, and RWA is also a subdivision of the Defi sector.

There is nothing to talk about, so let's wait for Ethereum to break 4200~

$ETH $BTC #blur #新币挖矿 #ustc