Had a rather interesting experience with $AUCTION and $STG

After a rapid takeoff, I was sure they would fall. I decided to test my calculations with the shoulder x20. As always, I did not expect a clear decline and placed the order prematurely, having first entered the negative :)

As for the AUCTION, this bid was in the evening and I went to bed peacefully. At night, I sent a notification about the increase in the lending rate, in the morning and during the day I already noticed it. I started to get nervous, because it was growing and was already 10% of the deposit amount, and I was still in the red... With grief in half, but after waiting a little longer, I was able to recoup the commission and get a small profit) yuh!

With STG, everything was much worse. I was at -100% when the rate increase notification came... It was enough to withdraw 50% of my order amount! I almost turned gray) I did not want to pay such a commission... I waited until the last and dropped the order at -100%

But it was an interesting experience. Now I know that after such jumps there is a rather limited time to earn if you don't want to pay high commissions :)

Good luck to everyone!

#Eager2Learn #Write2Erarn