This round of bull market will be a bull market for local dogs. Hot tracks can rotate very quickly. Today, L2 is still being hyped, modular blockchain, fan coins and sports coins, and you will be trapped if you are not careful. However, the local dog memecion track is the only track that will run through the entire bull market.

The leading local dog in the big cake ecosystem before was ordi sats. Now BRC20 obviously will not have new expectations, so only Rune can take over the baton. Otherwise, it is unreasonable that Rune has been brewing for so long without a bull wave.

As for the Rune Protocol, there are currently only three possible local dogs that can run out, DOG, X and runescion. From the market value point of view, DOG is currently the leader, so in the big cake ecosystem, one of these may become the leader. If one can run out and become the leader, there may be a super multiple of less than 50 times.

Ethereum chain leader, currently doge and shib are considered the leaders of the last bull market. This round, a new king of the Ethereum ecosystem will emerge, most likely pepe, then floki, toad TURBO or people.

Next is the sol chain, which has already run out of the circle, bome and wif, these two are considered the current leaders.

How to configure after the callback, choose one from each chain, follow the general principles I told you yesterday, and basically the results of the big bull will not be bad!

Observation: stg, stas, pepe, bome.....

As I said, I am currently planning some good currencies at this stage.

If you are interested and want to witness the strength, you can leave a comment 8, you can join the team for free!

I will not let fans miss out in this bull market! This is the truth👈

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