Shortly after Jia Yueting announced that he would commercialize his personal IP, he received a response, and this time the person who responded to Jia Yueting was also a controversial figure - Justin Sun.

According to the latest video released by Justin Sun, he is willing to invest in Jia Yueting to "build a new personal IP company" and will handle this investment transparently.

If Justin Sun and Jia Yueting can shake hands, then perhaps a new drama will be staged.

In the video, Justin Sun first affirmed Jia Yueting and said that Jia Yueting was not a liar.

He said that failure in entrepreneurship is a very normal thing, and he himself had failed in entrepreneurship before. However, it is commendable that Jia Yueting wants to pay off his debts through his own efforts instead of lying down like others.

Next, Justin Sun expressed his opinion on Jia Yueting’s return to China to build cars.

He said that the domestic supply chain is the best. Even Musk has returned to China to build cars. Jia Yueting also wants to return to China to build cars and get FF back on track as soon as possible.

This is actually consistent with Zhou Hongyi's previous call to Jia Yueting to "return to China to build cars."

Finally, Justin Sun expressed his support for Jia Yueting's idea of ​​commercializing his personal IP, and believed that Jia Yueting's ideas were very advanced. Including the fact that Jia Yueting began to pay attention to car manufacturing as early as 10 years ago and LeTV's ecological layout, they were actually quite correct, but there were deviations in execution.

Many companies, including Xiaomi today, actually learned from LeTV.

Regarding the commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP, Justin Sun expressed his willingness to invest and will make the investment finances transparent so that everyone can see very clearly where the money goes.

If such an investment is successful, Jia Yueting will have shares in it and can use these shares to repay his debts.

When Justin Sun started to talk to Jia Yueting and expressed his willingness to invest in him to commercialize his personal IP, it was like a blessing in disguise for Jia Yueting.

If Jia Yueting's personal IP commercialization is successful, perhaps he can stage a drama similar to Luo Yonghao's "True Return".


In fact, Jia Yueting needs such an investment from Justin Sun.

Especially after FF's development has entered a life-and-death stage, Jia Yueting needs to maintain the normal operation of FF through the commercialization of his personal IP.

It is no exaggeration to say that Jia Yueting has now reached a similar time period as Luo Yonghao.

We all know that after the failure of founding the Smartisan mobile phone, Luo Yonghao owed hundreds of millions of yuan in debt, just like Jia Yueting.

However, Luo Yonghao saw the benefits of live streaming and threw himself into it, founding "Make Friends". Through his own efforts, he staged a real-life version of the legendary story of "True Return".

By commercializing his personal IP, Luo Yonghao not only repaid his debts, but also laid the foundation for new entrepreneurship and began to embark on a new journey of AR entrepreneurship.

Today, when Jia Yueting stands at the same crossroads as Luo Yonghao, he actually needs to follow Luo Yonghao's path, repay the huge debt by commercializing his personal IP, and carry out FF's entrepreneurship to the end.

From this perspective, Justin Sun's understanding of Jia Yueting is quite accurate.

That is why he said, "Jia Yueting needs to start over like Luo Yonghao."

Perhaps this is also a key reason why Justin Sun is willing to invest in Jia Yueting's personal commercial IP.

However, we also need to see that although the commercialization of personal IP of entrepreneurs is in full swing and new players are constantly joining in, the competition for traffic represented by live broadcasts and short videos has entered a white-hot development stage, which is also a major aspect that deserves our attention.

Although Jia Yueting and Luo Yonghao are similar in many aspects, if Jia Yueting wants to copy Luo Yonghao and stage a new "True Return" drama, he may need to put in much more effort than Luo Yonghao.

However, with the help of Justin Sun, Jia Yueting may be able to launch the project of commercializing his personal IP.

As for success or failure, it all depends on Jia Yueting's own luck.


It has to be said that Jia Yueting's choice to commercialize his personal IP is indeed consistent with the choices of many entrepreneurs today.

However, by analyzing the commercialization of their personal IPs, we can clearly see that they all combine the commercialization of personal IPs with their own company businesses, all in an effort to find ways and methods to combine the virtual and the real.

This is true for Yu Minhong and Oriental Selection, Zhang Chaoyang and Sohu, Zhou Hongyi and 360, Lei Jun and Xiaomi.

For Jia Yueting, in fact, he also needs to find the right way and method to combine him with FF.

Through the practices of Jia Yueting’s predecessors, it is not difficult to see that the reason for their success is not actually the entrepreneurial reality show as described by Justin Sun, but more through the commercialization of personal IP, and then feeding back and even promoting their business.

From this perspective, Jia Yueting may not commercialize his personal IP and take the route of an entrepreneurial reality show as Justin Sun said, but instead combine his personal IP with the company's business like Yu Minhong, Zhang Chaoyang, Zhou Hongyi and Lei Jun.

Only in this way can the commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP not just be an isolated existence, but an existence deeply integrated with the business he himself is conducting, and can it feed back to FF.

If Jia Yueting continues along such a path, the commercialization of his personal IP will not be just a short-term, phased business like Luo Yonghao's, but a business that can be deeply integrated with the business he is currently engaged in.

Just imagine, if Jia Yueting could be as successful as Yu Minhong, Zhang Chaoyang, Zhou Hongyi and Lei Jun, then perhaps, he could not only repay his debts, but even get a ticket to return to China to build cars, thus truly pulling FF back from the dangerous cliff.

From this perspective, the so-called commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP is not just an independent existence, but an existence that is deeply bound to FF.

Only in this way can the commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP have greater room for imagination, instead of being just a temporary project like Luo Yonghao, who still has to choose a new project and start a business again after paying off his debts.

Although Jia Yueting and Luo Yonghao's situations are somewhat similar, Jia Yueting's background may be fundamentally different from Luo Yonghao's.

This requires Jia Yueting to truly find the right way and method that suits himself. Only in this way can the commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP be truly successful, rather than becoming the next LeTV or the next FF.


If Jia Yueting's involvement in the commercialization of personal IP shows the general trend of entrepreneurs' commercialization of personal IP and the positive driving significance of the commercialization of personal IP for the company's business,

So, when Justin Sun chose to invest in Jia Yueting, he saw more in the positive driving force that such an investment would bring to himself and his business.

According to Justin Sun, he will provide everyone with a transparent address so that everyone can monitor the movement of funds invested in Jia Yueting and make such an investment as transparent as possible.

After all, Justin Sun wants to promote his own business through such an investment and find out more about the relationship between his own business and real business.

For Justin Sun, such a bridge and bond is really needed.

We all know that although Justin Sun made his first fortune with Bitcoin, his business and influence are limited to the field of virtual assets and he has not really found a connection with real business.

If he can bridge the gap between his own business and real business by investing in Jia Yueting's personal IP commercialization project, it will not only be a positive promotion for him, but also for the business he is engaged in.

With it, Justin Sun can avoid following CZ's old path.

From this perspective, Justin Sun's investment in Jia Yueting is actually a move that kills two birds with one stone.

Only by recognizing this can we truly understand why Justin Sun chose such a time to express his praise for Jia Yueting and the fundamental reason why he was willing to invest in Jia Yueting.

To put it more simply, Jia Yueting needs Justin Sun's money, and Justin Sun needs Jia Yueting's projects.


When Justin Sun and Jia Yueting appreciate each other, especially when Justin Sun can show strong interest in Jia Yueting's personal IP commercialization projects,

What we need to see is not just the feasibility of Jia Yueting's personal IP commercialization, but we need to see more about the similarities and differences between Jia Yueting's personal IP commercialization and Luo Yonghao's personal IP commercialization.

In a sense, Jia Yueting cannot simply copy Luo Yonghao's homework as Sun Yuchen said, but needs to truly link the commercialization of personal IP with his own company business like Yu Minhong, Zhang Chaoyang, Zhou Hongyi and Lei Jun.

Only in this way can the commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP not only exist to replicate the "True Return" drama, but also become an existence that can be combined with its own business;

Only in this way can the commercialization of Jia Yueting's personal IP not just be a temporary and short-term existence, but become a sustainable and long-term drama.

When Justin Sun is willing to invest in Jia Yueting, it means that Jia Yueting’s choice to commercialize his personal IP is correct.

However, whether Jia Yueting really accepts the challenge, or how he accepts it, may be what we should pay most attention to.

Because whether Jia Yueting can successfully take on the challenge and smoothly commercialize his personal IP is not only related to whether he can actually repay his debts, but also to whether his FF can continue to operate, and even whether FF will become the next LeTV.