I am not talented, but I have been in this industry for a few years. I have seen people who entered the same circle as me have all entered A8A9, but I am currently doing mediocre.

Fortunately, the scattered time I spent in the cryptocurrency circle in recent years has become my most valuable experience and wealth.

1. Contract

1. Some bloggers suggest opening low leverage and controlling positions to make steady profits. Some bloggers also say that as long as you control the contract well, you can get some funding rates. But in my first article, I encouraged everyone not to touch contracts because I lost too much on contracts. Many nights, I tossed and turned in bed, unable to sleep, wondering why I lost so much on contracts. The most important reason was greed!

#新人小白建议远离合约交易赌博 #老鸟 #币圈经验 #二级市场 #暴富