Most people don’t understand the truth until they die: “Everyone will die one day. Many people are busy making money all day long, but in fact, it is just a waste of life. How much money they make is not that important.

Most people only realize the emptiness of everything when they are dying, but by then it is too late.

When people die, they realize that they can’t leave any property behind. What’s the point of making a lot of money but sacrificing health?

The German bearded philosopher Schopenhauer once said: "Human beings love to be stupid. They often trade their health for some material things. Those seemingly shining lives are nothing but the little brothers of desire." This is absolutely true!

At our age, we have to understand that the real competition is not about whose husband is better, but about who has a more optimistic attitude, who can fight and resist, and who has a stronger body.

There are three things you need to understand when you reach middle age:

First of all, don't always think that money is the boss. In fact, health is the boss and your only support. You have to think like this: if you have a full banquet in front of you, what can you do if you have bad teeth? It doesn't matter if you have a lot of money, but you have no life to spend it. If you want to travel thousands of miles, you must have a home. If you want to move a mountain of gold, you must have the strength. Those who dig for food in the fields are real men, and those who count money on the hospital bed are big fools. Once you lose your health, even if you win the whole world, what can you do? If you can't enjoy it, it's useless!

So, stop staying up late and hurting your health, and stop overdrawing your health account. Move more, go to bed early and get up early, eat healthily, and go to the hospital less often, which means saving money!

Besides, how can we make all the money in this life? How can we be busy all the time? How can we be busy all the time? So, middle-aged friends, we must learn to love ourselves. As for money, it’s good enough!

Secondly, in middle age, you should learn to let go of useless things, people who don’t love you, relatives who look down on you, and those hypocritical friends. You can say goodbye to them all.

However, there are four things you must hold on to tightly: the confidence on your face, the kindness in your heart, the backbone in your blood, and the strength engraved in your life!

Making money is important, but taking care of yourself is more important. We have to find a balance between work and life. We are just ordinary people who work to earn money, so don't worry too much about many things. Work hard at work and rest well after get off work.

Let others think of you as they please. Remember, you may be nothing in the eyes of others, but in your family, you are the sky!

What are we chasing in this life? Four words: money, life, family, love! We work hard for these, but really, we don’t need too many things to live. Money is not the most precious thing, life is the most precious.

Being alive is the most amazing thing, life is the real wealth! Life is so short, why pursue too much? It doesn't matter how much money you have, or whether you are rich or poor. The most important thing is good health, a harmonious family, and an easy life!

Life is only 30,000 days long and it will pass in the blink of an eye. We make money in order to live a good life. If we ruin our health in the pursuit of making money, wouldn’t that be a huge loss?

Without money, people are useless; without people, money becomes waste paper. No matter how handsome a man is, it is useless if he cannot shoulder the responsibility; no matter how beautiful a woman is, she is a shrew if she does not know how to cherish herself.

Because health is the greatest wealth, making money is just for fun, and being happy is the truth.

So, don’t put making money first, health is the most important.

People and things that make you unhappy are not worth it. In life, except for life and death, everything else is trivial. Think more positively and take things lightly. When you are in a bad mood, you are actually being hard on yourself. Let yourself go, nothing will happen. Life is short, don't leave any regrets.

In life, you can lose anything but your mood. Troubles are all self-inflicted. If your heart is not moved, the wind cannot create waves; if you are not hurt, the years will be fine.

The rest of our lives are precious, we must not waste them. May we all live well, happily, and live up to this good time and ourselves. #5月市场关键事件 #BTC走势分析 #新币挖矿 #meme板块关注热点 #MtGox钱包动态 $USDC $BNB $ETH