The studio got screwed this time. The person who reported him made 7,500 top-quality accounts, 100 gas for each account. He worked hard for 2 years, but now it's all gone. He's probably going to cry to death in the toilet. He was stabbed. This is the biggest failure case of money-pulling in the cryptocurrency circle. You can't play with cats like this, all accounts are the same? 😂😂😂😂 What a joke, the decimal points are the same, they will definitely be exposed🙄🙄🙄$BNB

750,000 u cost, what cats, just buy 500 ETH or bnb and you can lie flat, Ethereum 10 times, bnb 10-20 directly took off🛫🛫🛫🛫, do nothing, stable $ETH