Investment Advice with Bitcoin from the Advisor of a 34 Billion Dollar Company!

Gabor Gurbacs, strategic advisor to the $34 billion VanEck and cryptocurrency market giant Tether, made a critical Bitcoin statement.

In his statement via Twitter on May 27, Gabor Gubracs drew attention with his critical statements regarding states purchasing Bitcoin.

The famous consultant made the following statements in his post:

Today, no fiat currency is a better alternative to the dollar. Bitcoin is the only truly better alternative. Countries whose fiat currencies are losing value should consider accepting Bitcoin as a reserve currency and then legal tender.

Gabor Gubracs stated that for ten years he has been telling many countries and central banks that they should buy Bitcoin to consolidate reserves for fiat money. Stating that it would be a great irresponsibility for states not to hold Bitcoin today, the consultant also gave financial tactics to start with 0.5% and increase it to 5%.