The secrets of successful people in the cryptocurrency circle:

Stop when you are ahead: Once you make a big profit, withdraw in time, enjoy your leisure time, or travel around the world.

Strictly control risks: If you lose more than 10% continuously, you must thoroughly investigate the reasons to avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Clear trading: Avoid ambiguity in short-term operations, and do not make moves when it is unclear to avoid falling into traps.

Beware of skyrocketing: Be cautious when the increase exceeds 50%, as such opportunities are often accompanied by high risks.

Control greed: High-level volume is bait, stay calm, and avoid blindly chasing the increase.

Strategic trading: Buy low when the market is weak, buy when the market is strongly corrected, and follow the market rhythm.

Steady increase in positions: Do not easily increase positions before fully understanding the situation, and it is safer to build positions in batches.

Familiar with operations: Trade in a familiar mode and only make risk-free money.

Avoid premature intervention: Weekly correction trading is risky, wait patiently to avoid losses.

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Don't be anxious, and...

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