According to Odaily, QCP Capital has expressed confidence in the upward trend of Bitcoin's price, stating that Bitcoin bulls have no cause for concern. The firm has highlighted three bullish reasons to maintain confidence in Bitcoin's future stability.

Firstly, the strong performance of the U.S. stock market has a significant impact on cryptocurrencies. The correlation between the traditional financial market and the crypto market has been observed in the past, and a thriving stock market often bodes well for digital currencies.

Secondly, the political support from U.S. presidential candidates is another factor that could potentially boost Bitcoin's price. As cryptocurrencies become more mainstream, their acceptance and endorsement by political figures can have a positive effect on their market value.

Lastly, the upcoming adoption of a spot exchange-traded fund (ETF) for Ethereum (ETH) is expected to have a positive influence on Bitcoin. The introduction of such financial products often leads to increased liquidity and stability in the market, which can indirectly benefit Bitcoin.

These three factors, according to QCP Capital, are key to maintaining confidence in the robustness of Bitcoin's future.