Ten rules for trading in the cryptocurrency circle:

1. Entering the market is like exploring the way, and profits and losses are difficult to predict:

When you start trading, it is like walking into an unknown forest. No one can tell you what you will encounter next. You may find treasure, or you may get lost.

2. The timing of exiting is very important:

The key moment that determines the success or failure of your transaction is exiting the market. You need to set a stop loss point, and once the loss reaches this point, you will decisively leave the market, while allowing the profitable part to continue to grow.

3. The market fluctuates, and trends are hidden in it:

The market is like the sea, with ups and downs. These ups and downs form various trends, and seizing these trends can find opportunities to make money.

4. Trends are large and small, and the cycle must be clear:

Trends are large and small, short-term and long-term. You can't just look at small trends and ignore the big market trends, otherwise it is easy to lose your way.

5. Profit increase is favorable, and losses are unfavorable:

If the currency you hold has been making money, it is in line with the market trend; if you have been losing money, it is a counter-trend operation.

6. Don't be greedy, just do what you can grasp:

There are many market opportunities, but not every opportunity is suitable for you. Only choose those opportunities that you understand and can grasp, and don't try to grab all opportunities.

7. Do what you say, execution is very important:

If you know how to trade, you must do it according to the plan. If you just talk about it and don't execute it, then everything is empty talk.

8. Trading is not a sprint, but a marathon:

Don't just focus on short-term gains, but on long-term development. Only long-term and stable profits can allow you to survive in the currency circle for a long time.

9. Don't think about getting rich quickly, be careful of traps:

Many people want to get rich overnight, but this mentality can easily make people fall into high-risk transactions, which will eventually lead to losses. Trading is not gambling, you must be steady and steady.

10. Focus on one thing, time will give you the answer:

As long as you focus on trading for a long time, keep learning and practicing, you will definitely achieve good results in the currency circle in 10 years.

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