Jesse Livermore's Rules in Stock Trading (Applicable to Crypto Markets)

1⃣Choose to follow the trend: In the crypto market, it is crucial to follow the trend. Buy the currency whose price keeps rising and sell the currency whose price keeps falling

2⃣Avoid frequent operations: Be patient and wait for the opportunity. Frequent trading may lead to losses. Only operate when the market trend is obvious, and ensure that it is consistent with the overall market direction.

3⃣Timing and price are key: Trade at key times and price points to increase the chances of success. Pay attention to important support and resistance levels.

4⃣Act after confirmation: Wait for the market to verify the prediction before operating, act decisively and seize the opportunity.

5⃣Control losses and increase profits: Stop losses in time, hold profits, and let profits grow.

6⃣Avoid blindly following: When the market generally holds the same view, the trend may be about to end. Stop in time and avoid blindly following the trend.

7⃣Choose leading currencies: The currencies with the strongest trading performance usually have large trading volumes and low risks.

8⃣Don't add more: Avoid continuing to buy falling currencies, which may lead to greater losses.

9⃣Avoid adding positions: Decisively stop losses when losing money, and don't increase positions to avoid expanding losses.

🔟Follow the trend: Buy when the currency price hits a new high, sell when it hits a new low, and reduce the risk of adverse market conditions.

11. Rational investment: Don't be emotional, and sell decisively when you find that the currency continues to fall.

Price is not the only consideration: Don't decide whether to trade because the price is high or low, it should be based on market trends.

12. Respect the market: The market is always right, and adjust strategies according to market changes.

13. Seize profits: Excellent transactions often have profits from the beginning, and bad transactions should be closed decisively.

14. Accept uncertainty: Transactions are full of uncertainty, and continuous learning and adaptation are required.

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