The issue of Mt. Gox scares everyone every year. Mt. Gox, once the largest exchange, went bankrupt. There are still a lot of BTC, BCH and the like in the wallet. It has to compensate creditors. Due to the long-delayed legal process in Japan, it has been delayed until October this year. The creditors who are still alive have filled out the forms. A total of 140,000 BTC, 140,000 BCH and about 6.9 billion yen (about 510 million US dollars) have to be compensated.

It is expected that today's large-scale transfer collection is a preparation for the next step of directly transferring BTC to creditors. Those who choose BTC for compensation are all OG. The largest creditors include btc-e, Coinlab and some ancient funds that have been shut down by the FBI. Some of them who are in urgent need of money have sold their claims to some hedge funds in advance. The rest are not so urgent. It is roughly estimated that 20% of the outflow, that is, 30,000 BTC, will be enough for ETFs to digest in a few days.