Discuss what are the ways to make money with perpetual contracts? Which one are you?

1. Make money by positions, that is, a person's trading habits are mainly heavy positions. If you catch a few trends, you will definitely make a lot of money or even double it.

I have to admit that there are really people who play like this. When you are determined in one direction, you will endlessly lay out heavy warehouse orders, and your profits will increase exponentially. There will be people who get rich overnight. But the disadvantage is that if you often walk along the river, your shoes will get wet. If the situation is bad, you will fall into the water.

2. Make money by trading winning rate. This may be used by novices, but it is relatively boring to me. The winning rate has gone up. I even believe that most of my fans can operate it by themselves to achieve a winning rate of 60% or even 80%. This account does look good, but have you ever thought that your losing orders are greater than your winning orders? Or even the losing orders need three or four profitable orders to smooth them out. It all depends on the final real profit and loss.

3. Stubborn execution of the trading system. Whether you stop profit and stop loss according to the profit and loss space, stop loss according to a fixed amount of profit and loss, or stop loss and stop profit according to a percentage, in fact, I still relatively support this method. The emphasis is on truth and stability. Many people have misunderstood it. Stability does not just mean that you should be careful. Stability is a set of plans. This plan can keep your entire account stable!

Let me tell you another future trend:

In the future, there will be a kind of trader whose winning rate may be around 20%. In terms of profit, he will definitely be number one!

Now I have seen it, have you seen it?