If you are given another chance, can you make a lot of money by investing heavily in a coin?

Yes! But only a small number of people can, why?

Let me first talk about the reasons for not making a lot of money: most people will not research how a coin is when they buy it, or they will hear someone say that this coin is good, or someone else's coin is also good, so why should I invest heavily? Another thing is that I have some skills and buy from a short-term perspective. I made some money, but not much. The most important thing is that buying is simple, and when to sell is the key. Selling too early or too late.

What should you have if you want to make a lot of money?

1. Market sensitivity, external environment, and internal environment can help determine whether a certain track is sustainable

2. After selecting a track, select 1-2 coins from the track and focus on research

3. Select coins in the big cycle and enter in the small cycle

4. Exit at the right time, and the rest of the pattern pattern pattern

5. No matter how successful others are, you will lose money if you copy them. If you want to make a lot of money yourself, you need to have your own set of skills. 6. Reasonable position allocation

7. After selecting, ignore the dealer's manipulation, bad news, good news, and stick to your own trading rules.

Risks and opportunities coexist in the currency circle. If you haven't found a suitable team and guide, you might as well use the page to connect with the God of Wealth. Free dry goods and benefits are shared with you. Remember, opportunities are always reserved for those who are prepared.

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