A new week has begun, and the high frequency of polar reversals is also a normal phenomenon in the cryptocurrency circle.

Last week, ghosts and wolves were howling, and next week, thousands of coins may rise to the sky, and the market is in a frenzy

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This wave of long and short double kills that lasted for 2 months was a mess, and most of the people who had high-multiple contracts were killed.

Old leeks may be fine, this scene is not unfamiliar, it has often happened in the past, but newcomers may not be so comfortable

It may be okay to just play with spot, but playing with contracts may cause heavy casualties, because the decline and increase are relatively large, and it is easy to blow up the position if the position is not well controlled.

Now the market has basically returned to the price around February. The coins are still the same. The only change is that some people have left the circle.

This time, the market was washed out from March to May. Whether it was a profit or a loss, we must summarize some work from this experience.

What did you do right, what did you do wrong, is there a better solution, and when a similar market situation occurs next time, you can take a new step based on this one.

This kind of rapid change in market conditions, whether it is a bull market or a bear market, actually happens frequently.

Because the market will have differences at a key price every period of time. When the market's long and short forces are relatively balanced, the competition will begin.

Only when one side has an absolute advantage, the direction will emerge and the price will change significantly.

This is the nature of market operation, so both long-term and short-term investments need to be focused on. When the market enters a period of volatility, the future trend is more likely to rise or fall.

This allows us to adjust our positions in a timely manner, make appropriate changes, minimize risks, and keep them within a controllable range.

No one can know the trend of every wave of the market with 100% certainty, but making money does not require 100% certainty. As long as the probability of 70-80% is achieved, long-term profitable investment results can be achieved.

Of course, if some people are always pursuing a 100% winning rate, and it would be best if they could achieve a million-dollar return in one wave, they would sell their cars and houses to follow and never give up.

This is a compliment. When you are right, they will call you a god. Once you lose, they will scold you like shit. This is the financial market and human nature.

Therefore, when investing, you must stay away from such extreme emotions, which are time bombs that will ruin you and your family sooner or later.

Investing is a game for rationality and patience. If you can’t feel relaxed and happy when you buy money, it’s best to give up the deal.

Because you have no confidence, you buy in just to gamble, if you win it's because of luck, if you lose it's inevitable

The market has become the world of institutions, and behind the institutions is the government. This is a battle of life and death for global finance, and countless ordinary people are destined to become stepping stones.

People without professional skills may be able to make some money by luck under the background of the general trend, just like those who bought houses between 2009 and 2014.

But after the boom, many people’s pockets, which were once bulging with money, are now stretched to the limit. Even most of those who got on the train halfway have dragged down their entire families.

The same is true for the cryptocurrency world. When the wind blows, the wealth effect of the market will drive everyone crazy. This state is the true state of most people.

Therefore, prepare everything in advance, otherwise the market will always have thousands of ways to harvest retail investors

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