More than 70 apartments, if I had bought them last year, how much would Bitcoin be worth now? (Repost) 🎁🍕

I have known a female landlord for many years. I don’t know how much she is worth, but she is very rich.

We have had less contact in recent years. At the beginning of last year, she asked me to drive with her to collect rent. I asked if I had to go there to collect rent? She said she went there to collect rent. There were less than 80 apartments, which were rented out to others to run hotels.

It was the first time I saw the property certificate packed in a suitcase, and I was very annoyed. When we were chatting on the road, I learned that the total value of the house was more than 70 million (one of her friends wanted to buy it these days, so I roughly estimated the price), and the annual rent was about 3 million.

I remember very clearly that the price of BTC was more than 17,000 at that time, and many people thought it would fall further. I saw a big opportunity in terms of location and timeline. I jokingly told her at the time, why don’t you sell your house to your friend and buy Bitcoin in batches, and you will have good fortune next year.

She knew I was doing this a few years ago. I would talk about things in the industry almost every time I chatted with her, so she knew a little bit about it, but she had never speculated. She actually wanted to sell the house. She did meet a reliable buyer, and she wanted to use the money to invest in other fields.

She was actually a little tempted at the time. First, she saw my growth in the past few years and felt that this was an opportunity. Second, this money was only a part of her life, and she could withstand the loss.

She said she would consider it and communicate with her friends about the details. As a result, within a few days, Bitcoin rushed to more than 20,000, and chasing it increased the risk a lot. This matter was shelved again. Later, I remember that Bitcoin fell to nearly 20,000 in early March.

I called her again to ask if she wanted to enter the market. She said forget it. Her friend's funds were arranged for other things, and it was not easy to sell in the short term. If she entered the market at that time, it would be four times now, that is, close to 300 million. If she doubled the sale, she would also make a profit of more than 70 million. It would probably be a different investment experience for her.

If it were you, and you were given another chance to go back to 2023, would you sell your house for Bitcoin?

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