In the morning, I have been optimistic about the support near 68300 in the early stage. I have mentioned that I will continue to be bullish at this position, but the market is not going well. The lowest has dropped to 67500 and then rebounded to 68000. In the morning, I added more positions at a low level and I am still holding. #山寨季何时到来? #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #5月市场关键事件 #ETH $BTC $ETH

In the four-hour chart, we can see that the short-selling volume has almost been completed and the needle is gradually closing. After seeing that the hourly chart has been consolidating at a low level for a long time and the needle is continuously closing, the idea of ​​​​the afternoon continues to be bullish. The big cake is directly long at 68000 and looks at 69000+