Trump said, "I will ensure that the future of cryptocurrency and Bitcoin is in the United States."

"I will support the right of 50 million cryptocurrency holders across the country to self-custody their assets."

During the 18 years this old man was in office, the U.S. stock market often saw a red and the dollar plummeted. At that time, you could see his social comments and some weird news about him almost every day, which was very interesting. It was really fun to play with the European and American currencies!

At that time, the chairman of the Federal Reserve was still an old woman, Yellen was a typical dove, and the president of the European Central Bank was Draghi. In a blink of an eye, so many years have passed, and the old man is likely to come back again. I hope that the old man's mouth is still as uncontrollable as before, and he will spray all kinds of things to bring me good luck again! 😂$BTC #trump #特朗普接受比特币和加密货币作为总统竞选捐赠渠道