$GRT A strong signal appeared at the small level

At the 15-minute level, the supply showed no results

At the position marked by the cross line, the volume of the next kline is larger than the previous one, but the kline displacement distance is not as large as the previous one, which means that it has been absorbed by demand

Structurally, the price stepped on the neckline of the W bottom

The above two pieces of information can be used as the basis for the entry plan

A more stable approach is to wait for the market to move out of this falling supply line before entering the market

Entry structure: W bottom neckline retracement

Stop loss point: large-level support level 0.295

Exit point: focus on the previous high point 0.35

If you do the ratio like this, it is a 1:1 profit and loss ratio. If you don’t have time to watch the market, you can do the ratio. Watch the market and find a weak signal and leave the market quickly

#威科夫供需量价 #行情推演 #入场计划