After ETF, where will the cryptocurrency circle go?

Regulators are stepping in, institutions are clearing out, and the cryptocurrency circle is becoming more like US stocks.

The cryptocurrency circle has become the next dollar reservoir, but how big is it? Compared with the US stock market value of 5 billion US dollars, the power of 256 million US dollars is very weak. In other words, we should be wary of those narratives that promote the future potential of the cryptocurrency circle.

In my opinion, it is very unreliable.

At present, people in the cryptocurrency circle are looking forward to the stars and the moon, but what have they been looking forward to? At present, two ETFs, that's all. Don't talk about the future, let alone draw big cakes. The reality is that the results of 16 years of hard work have stopped at two ETFs.

I saw on Twitter that there are always people advocating:

1. There are still many people outside the cryptocurrency circle, and they will all take over in the future.

2. Bitcoin, the future price of the currency is 160 million.

3. The cryptocurrency circle is the first of all industries, sweeping all industries.

Here, it must be reminded that we must recognize the reality that the cryptocurrency circle is so fragile that the Americans can strangle it at will.

As for potential, future, trend, etc., it can never be achieved by talking, but by doing things and creating value.

Therefore, it is important to remind you that as an investor, you should cherish every penny of your hard-earned money and buy coins at a rate not exceeding 30% of your assets, let alone unlimited positions, including Bitcoin.