🚩 In the name of God, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful, we trust in God 🚩

Oh God, nothing is easy except what You make easy, and You make sadness easy if You wish

Do you remember the advice of the strongest traders in the#digital_currencymarket, GCR Classic?

🌟 New currencies and projects have more opportunities than old ones

🌟 The most profitable currencies are the currencies that have a bad and greedy team that does everything in their power to make the currency rise until they spend and come out with the largest amount of profits. This urine ran 😀

This is what we see in front of us currently, some currencies that everyone agrees are bad and actually bad because of their economics and inflation in the long term, but in the short term they achieve good profits.

Such as $BB currently inflated in the long term, but it gave strong profits and broke the peak👌

That's why keep your eyes on new, inflated projects, but do not invest in them for a long time. Hit and run đŸŒč❀

@whalesWallet_Chart âœ