Main Image text: #BTC

——Review the previous text of the attached drawing (mentioned above):

※As mentioned above, the chaos period lasts until June 5th. In this case, other problems will also arise, which will make it difficult for the short sellers to suppress.

※As mentioned in the conversation on the 26th, pay attention to the rise on the 26th. I have been paying attention to this particular chaotic situation since then. After the rise that started at 20 o'clock, I looked at the thinking of the multiple owners, and it was indeed consistent with what I saw before. After 20 o'clock, the multiple owners executed without confirming the short owner, and after the execution, the short owner did not see the long position either. host. I was originally thinking about whether this foggy situation will increase, but I dare not say, so I can only suggest not to move too much. But now that the action is over, just know the reason.

——Future (Follow-up):

★Similarly, in the current chaotic space-time situation, the most important time to pay attention to is the multiple events on the 28th. I dare not say what will happen in this situation, because the situation is too special. Many events occur in the dream mist. Just watch it as a show.

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