Old Wine Trading Diary: Daily Interpretation 5.27

① Intraday ultra-short-term pressure: 68800

If the big cake wants to continue to rebound, it must stand at 68800 today. Otherwise, it is not ruled out that the big cake will start a deep wash again.

② Intraday ultra-short-term support: 68000

If the big cake falls below the previous low of 68128, it will come to the 68000 line. If it is broken again, it will probably find support between 67500-67700 and rebound at the hourly level.

Summary: It is in a 4-hour level retracement. There is no signal that the retracement has ended. It is still necessary to pay attention to short-term risks during the day. But the general direction is still dominated by longs. For this reason, low longs can be done. High altitudes need to be attached to key pressure positions and set stop losses to execute. #BTC走势分析