Today's Market Analysis: Dr. Frog


Market Trend

$BTC : The weekly line closed positive, but the upper shadow line exceeded the real body at the resistance level. The short-term resistance level has not been broken for a long time, and there may be repeated fluctuations. From the weekly indicators, $BTC has already entered the bottoming inflection stage, and the repair situation is getting better and better. In June, it may cooperate with the breakthrough of $ETH to gradually move out of the trend market.

$ETH : Due to the rapid rise of ETF benefits, the high level has been consolidated for nearly a week. At present, the small level is pushed upward by the moving average with a shrinking volume. After 3850 stabilizes, it is necessary to pay attention to the short-term high of 3950-4000. If the upward surge continues this week and the price does not fall, it means that the main force may replace the decline with a horizontal decline without stepping back. If the first half of the week fails to continue to strengthen, and the monthly line is closed in the second half of the week, it is highly likely that the June monthly line will be negative first and then positive. The short-term 4-hour divergence of $ETH has not been resolved.

Altcoin sector

Most of Binance's new coins have already made up for the gains. Pay a little attention in the short term. If there is a pullback, it is a good opportunity. Continue to hold patiently in the medium and long term. Some altcoins have given directions, breaking through the high point where the previous decline began, and starting a new trend. The market outlook is promising!

Key points

$ETH: Short-term support: $3720

Short-term high: $3950-4000

$BTC: Short-term support: $67500

Investment advice

Short-term: Pay attention to the support of $ETH at $3850. If it continues to rise and remains strong, short-term operations need to be cautious and pay attention to the opportunity of pullback.

Medium and long-term: Continue to hold patiently and wait for the market to develop a new trend.

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