Meme AI Coin (symbol MEMEAI) is a digital currency based on artificial intelligence and is classified within the category of “meme” currencies that have a humorous nature or are related to Internet culture. The currency is based on the Ethereum network and is used to develop applications based on artificial intelligence within the field of digital currencies.

### Currency details:

- **Market value**: approximately 3,962,882 US dollars.

- **Total Supply**: Approximately 1,000,000,000 coins, of which 885,309,800 coins are currently in circulation.

- **Daily trading volume**: About 113,298 US dollars.

### Currency Project:

Meme AI aims to integrate AI technologies into digital financial systems and bring improvements in users' experience by developing innovative applications. The currency depends on providing incentives for interaction within its ecosystem, in addition to supporting marketing and operating operations by allocating a portion of the currency for these purposes [[❞]]( %D9%84%D8%A7%D8%AA/meme-ai-coin) [[❞]](

For more information, you can visit sites that provide real-time updates and news about the currency, such as [CoinGecko]( and [Investing](