The crypto market has been quite excited lately: Hong Kong approving ETFs on Bitcoin and Ethereum, the US approving ETFs on Ethereum (and Solana expected soon!), without forgetting that in this month of May we also had the Bitcoin halving

There is no shortage of movements to excite those who are keeping an eye on this digital universe.

In moments like this, which we can call crypto bull - or even crypto spring, as a counterpoint to the dreaded winter -, there are several strategies to position itself in this market. But, in addition to thinking about strategies, it is also worth keeping an eye on some specific projects. If they are cheap to purchase, even better. Don't be surprised by the fact that they are meme coins, see more about the projects and take advantage of potential opportunities!

Below we will list seven projects with prices below US$1 per unit that, taking advantage of the good news from the current market, should boom. Before we continue, it is important to state that the data collected refers to movements on May 23, 2024 and that, just to make the calculation easier, we used US$1 and not R$1 as a reference. Let's go!

Dogecoin: the biggest meme in the world

Created in December 2013 from a fork of Litecoin, this project with the friendly face of a Shiba Inu dog attracts a lot of attention wherever it goes. In recent years, in addition to appearing in quotes from Elon Musk on X (formerly Twitter) as being his favorite cryptocurrency, it has gained acceptance in certain places.

With a pleasant image that attracts so much attention, Dogecoin is one of the ten largest cryptocurrencies in the world by market value and has a price of less than US$1:

Shiba Inu: Doge's little sister

This project is much younger than Dogecoin, but we can call it its younger sister because both are inspired by the image of the same Japanese dog, the Shiba Inu. Here, the project began in August 2020 on the Ethereum blockchain network. In addition to being able to purchase your units on exchanges, you can also find this crypto on its own DEX, called ShibaSwap. 

Although fewer times, it was also mentioned by Elon Musk and, additionally, also received praise from the creator of Ethereum, Vitalik Buterin.

Currently, its price is far from US$1:

Mog Coin: meme raised to the tenth power

Ah, if it were possible to piggyback on memes and other content that's popular on the internet... Well, if you're not talking about likes and comments but rather about some crypto project, it's actually possible: with Mog Coin, a digital currency that started literally as a meme in a group of friends in 2023, this is possible.

There is not much possible definition for Mog Coin other than “the meme coin of memes”. It may seem strange to say this, but it is because the focus of this project is precisely to serve as the basis for this content. The difference that draws attention is the fact that, unlike a pure and simple open forum, blockchain technology comes into action to ensure reliability of records and enhance technological upgrades in the project itself.

In fact, the current effect is more about the community than about the price - which is still a long way from US$1 -, but it is precisely for this reason that the potential is on the table:

Pepe: nostalgic frog and billionaire

Back in the 2000s, when memes perhaps didn't even have that name yet, the figure of Sapo Pepe was already quite popular. In honor of this nostalgic figure, this project was created in the 2020s within the Ethereum blockchain network.

There are three specific characteristics that draw attention to this crypto: it has an internal policy of having no fees, it has a token redistribution system within the network that benefits strikers long-term and also has a unit burning mechanism (which makes this a deflationary crypto meme).

Oh, and why “billionaire frog”? Well, this project today has a market value of over US$5 billion!

Adding to all this, it is included here on this list as it is still far from US$1:

Floki: the various uses of People’s Crypto

Cachorro and Elon Musk are umbilically linked when it comes to the crypto Floki: the name is precisely the same as the billionaire's Shiba Inu dog. Ah, it's also worth pointing out what inspired Musk to give his dog that name: the Vikings. 

Don't worry, this will make sense now.

After starting as a regular meme coin, Floki is a project that unfolded within the various possibilities of web3, encompassing Decentralized Finance (DeFi) tools, NFTs

Also known as Crypto do Povo (our translation for The People’s Crypto), it has enthusiasts known as… Floki Vikings (I said that would make sense, right?). And it has a price somewhat distant from US$1:

Bonk: those who arrive early drink fresh water

This crypto is the first puppy meme coin - not on this list, but on the Solana network. Coming on the positive wave of other similar meme coins, such as Shiba Inu and DogeCoin (also mentioned here), the idea of ​​this project is to oxygenate the environment of decentralized exchanges in the network where it exists.

There is no whitepaper and there is anonymity regarding who created this crypto, but the token is considered by enthusiasts to be the most direct way of being part of the transformations that the project has brought about.

As for the price, it is also somewhat far from US$1:

Bome: recording the madness

If with Pepe it is possible to follow financial movements that involve memes, here the mission is more of historiography: Book of Meme, or simply Bome, is a cryptocurrency that, like that classic program Dirty Jobs (from the Discovery group), aims to dive into the depths of the most risky and volatile meme coins. To give you an idea, there is no fear of saying that you are even looking for shit coins.

This project is on the Solana blockchain network and, through precisely this technology that records things forever, its main objective is to be a book of memories of meme culture, seeking to prevent the pearls formed in this booming world of the internet from getting lost along the way.

Do you want to embark on this? For much less than US$1 you can:

You probably already knew the first two, but: among the other five, how many did you know before reading this article?

And are you going to put some in your wallet? Tell us!

#memecoin⁠⁠⁠⁠ #CryptoWatchMay2024


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