Something big has happened to ETH!!!

Something big has happened to ETH!!!

A mysterious fund has just been invested in Ethereum! You know, ETH has risen from 3083 to 3953 with a series of news hype since the 21st. The increase is as high as 870 points! But just when everyone was looking forward to ETH's successful breakthrough of 4000 points, a large number of shorts pushed down the strong upward trend to 3524. Looking at the slowly rising K-line over the weekend, I feel that the bulls are quietly eating up the goods in secret! Therefore, the situation may suddenly change and the market may change at any time! $ETH #ETH #新币挖矿

We are always prone to hold on to orders, or plunge into long or short orders and cannot get out. Once trapped, many investors post their loss charts on the square and ask what to do, and they are panicking. So, I suggest that everyone pay attention to me!