What the hell is going on?

What's going on? ? ?

Those jaw-dropping phenomena in the currency circle, you will never expect it! ! !

1. Unbelievable! If the price keeps falling all day, at night, those foreigners can pull up the price magically as if with divine help!

2. Be sure to pay attention! Once there is a big rise in the morning, don't be stupid to chase the high, that is actually to trick the Chinese who just got up to take over!

3. Amazing! You must buy the bottom quickly when the price drops sharply in the morning, which is clearly to trick the Chinese who just got up to sell out of panic!

4. It's amazing, isn't it! If a long downward probe suddenly appears, then buy the bottom quickly, just like getting an injection to cure a disease, it will definitely be of great benefit to the price increase later!

5. The price will definitely rise for a period of time before an important meeting, but it will definitely fall when the meeting is approaching. Isn't it super amazing?

6. If everyone in the group discusses which position is a major resistance, then this position will definitely be broken. Isn’t it strange?

7. If you buy it recommended by a group member, you will definitely be deeply trapped.

8. If a group member recommends it, but you hesitate and don’t buy it, then it will definitely soar all the way, making you regret it!

9. If you place a heavy bet and hold on to the order, you will definitely blow up your position!

10. Once you hit the stop loss on your short order, the price will immediately fall. Isn’t it weird?

11. When you are finally about to get your money back, the rebound suddenly stops!

12. When you are out of profit, a powerful coin will appear!

13. When you are complacent, the air raid comes unexpectedly!

14. When you are penniless, good coins are everywhere!

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