Ulbricht served 11 years of a two-life sentence plus 40 years for creating an online black market.

Donald Trump has pledged to reduce the life sentence of Silk Road founder Ross Ulbricht to time already served if he is re-elected president.

“If you vote for me, on Day 1, I will reduce Ross Ulbricht's sentence to time already served,” Trump said in a speech Saturday night at the Libertarian Party National Convention in Washington, D.C. “He has served 11 years, we will bring him home.”

If this happens, Ross will immediately be released.

Ross Ulbricht

Hours before those statements, Trump took to social media to praise the crypto industry, writing on Truth Social:

“I am very positive and open to crypto companies and all that is involved in this new and thriving industry. Our country must be a leader in this field. There is no second place,” Trump wrote, adding that President Joe Biden wants the crypto industry to die a slow and painful death. That will never happen to me!”

During his evening speech, Trump's promise to release Ulbricht was met with enthusiastic applause from the audience, many of whom held up "Free Ross" signs. .

In 2015, Ulbricht was sentenced to two consecutive life terms plus 40 years – effectively life in prison without the possibility of parole – for creating and operating Silk Road. This online black market has been used to buy and sell goods anonymously, but mainly for drugs.

Silk Road operated from 2011 to 2013 and is considered the first real use case of Bitcoin.

Ulbricht has become a symbol of martyrdom for many in the cryptocurrency community, as well as for many Liberals, who view Ulbricht's harsh sentence as an abuse of government power and a violation his constitutional rights. In 2018, the Liberal Party called on then-President Trump to pardon Ulbricht.

Before Trump's presidency ended in January 2021, he pardoned 143 individuals – pardoning 73, including Ripple board member Ken Kurson, and commuting the sentences of 70 others. He did not pardon Ulbricht, Wikileaks founder Julian Assange or Edward Snowden, who revealed details of the US surveillance program to American journalist Glenn Greenwald.

Trump also made more general comments about cryptocurrency at the convention, telling attendees he would “stop Joe Biden's war to destroy crypto – we will stop it.”

“I will ensure that the future of crypto and the future of Bitcoin is created in the United States, not pushed overseas. I will support self-regulation of cryptocurrencies,” Trump said, drawing cheers. “To the nation's fifty million crypto holders, I say this: I will keep Elizabeth Warren (radical anti-crypto senator) and her cronies away from your Bitcoin, and I will never allow the creation of a central bank cryptocurrency (CBDC).”

Trump has become significantly pro-crypto in recent months, making multiple public comments in support of cryptocurrencies and becoming the first major party presidential candidate to accept cryptocurrency donations .

Bitcoin is becoming the focus of the US election and politics without anyone noticing.

Ross Ulbricht there?

Ross Ulbricht is the founder and operator of Silk Road, an online black market that operates on the darknet. Silk Road was launched in 2011 and quickly became a platform where users could anonymously buy and sell goods, mainly drugs. Transactions on Silk Road mainly used Bitcoin, a then-new cryptocurrency, to maintain the anonymity of transactions.

Details about Ross Ulbricht:


  • Ross Ulbricht was born on March 27, 1984 in Austin, Texas, United States.

    • He graduated from the University of Texas at Dallas with a bachelor's degree in physics and then earned a master's degree in materials science and engineering from the University of Pennsylvania.

Silk Road:

  • Silk Road began operations in February 2011 and quickly became one of the largest black markets on the darknet.

    • Users can anonymously buy and sell drugs, weapons, fake documents, and many other goods on the platform.

    • Silk Road uses Bitcoin to ensure the anonymity of transactions.

Arrested and convicted:

  • Ross Ulbricht was arrested by the FBI on October 1, 2013 at a public library in San Francisco.

    • In February 2015, Ulbricht was convicted on multiple charges including drug trafficking conspiracy, money laundering and computer hacking.

    • In May 2015, Ulbricht was sentenced to two life terms plus 40 years in prison, without the possibility of parole.

Influence and controversy:

  • Ulbricht's sentence was controversial and attracted the attention of many cryptocurrency advocates and libertarian activists, who argued that the sentence was too harsh and an abuse of government power.

    • Some people argue that Ulbricht simply created a platform and should not be punished harshly for its users' behavior on that platform.

Supporting activities:

  • Activists and Ulbricht's supporters have waged numerous campaigns calling for his sentence to be commuted or pardoned.

    • The Liberal Party officially called for Ulbricht's pardon in 2018.

Ross Ulbricht is currently serving a prison sentence at Florence High, a federal prison in Colorado. His supporters continue to call for his pardon and commutation of sentence, seeing him as a symbol of the fight for freedom and against government abuses.

Source: https://tapchibitcoin.io/trump-cam-ket-tha-tu-do-cho-nha-sang-lap-silk-road-ross-ulbricht-neu-tai-dac-cu-tong-thong- my.html