Stagflation market over the weekend, Bitcoin stands at 69,000

1. The market fluctuates little over the weekend, generally fluctuating within the $1,000 market, and is generally a stagflation consolidation market. $BTC From the 4-hour K-line, it is sideways consolidation, the 12-hour level shows that the decline has ended, and the daily level shows that it can rise or fall, without a very obvious trend. In terms of operation, you can choose to pull back and go long, and the spot HOLD will get $100,000 by the end of the year.

2. The NFT project "2426C" planned by Edison Chen is suspected to have closed down. At present, the official push and Instagram of 2426C have not updated content since April 6, 2023; the Discord channel is also "quite deserted, and there is no trace of operation." Some netizens asked under Edison Chen's Instagram account but did not receive a reply. The NFT with the highest transaction price that Edison Chen forwarded at the beginning of the project has fallen from 18.88 ETH at the time to the current 0.025 ETH

3. British media: 61,000 bitcoins in the Qian Zhimin case may belong to the British police and the Home Office, and the money that was defrauded from the Chinese was taken away by the UK. It is currently worth 4.3 billion US dollars. Doesn’t the Chinese Embassy plan to get it back?

#DOGE原型柴犬KABOSU去世 #现货以太坊ETF获美SEC批准 #BTC走势分析 #山寨币热点 #5月市场关键事件