Is the pie too big?

Recalling that moment ten years ago, if I had chosen to invest 10,000 yuan in Bitcoin, what would the result be? At that time, the price of Bitcoin was about 800 yuan, which means that 10,000 yuan can buy about 12.5 Bitcoins.

Over time, the value of Bitcoin has experienced huge fluctuations. Assuming that we estimate it according to the current Bitcoin price, assuming that one Bitcoin is worth about 214,100 yuan, then the value of these 12.5 Bitcoins will reach a staggering 2,676,250 yuan. This is undoubtedly a considerable increase in wealth, but it is also far lower than the tens of millions or hundreds of millions that some people may imagine.

However, the volatility of the Bitcoin market is extremely high, and its price is affected by many factors, including market sentiment, policies and regulations, and technological development. Therefore, investing in Bitcoin does not mean that a huge increase in wealth can be easily achieved.

Let's take another example. If I chose to invest 10,000 yuan in Ethereum in January 2016, what would the result be? At that time, the price of Ethereum was about 10 yuan, and 10,000 yuan could buy 1,000 Ethereums. The price of Ethereum has also experienced a significant increase. Assuming the current price is about 13,400 yuan, the value of these 1,000 Ethereums will reach an astonishing 13,400,000.

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