What does everyone who comes to the crypto market do? It can be said that they all have one goal, which is to achieve financial freedom, leaving aside the institutional whales.

Among them, there are salaried workers, bosses, self-employed individuals, college students, graduate students, professors... They all come to the cryptocurrency circle to improve their current financial situation, especially the newbies who have just entered the cryptocurrency circle. Some of them heard about it from friends, and some have a little understanding of some superficial technical indicators, but once they enter the cryptocurrency circle, they are dumbfounded and confused. They think that those moving average theories and K-line charts are unreliable. If they buy, they will be trapped, and if they sell, they will rise. Little do they know that the cryptocurrency circle is full of routines. Those who play contracts are routinely liquidated, and those who buy spot are trapped by bad news. In the cryptocurrency circle, the killer that most affects the rise and fall of a coin is news and the market volume ratio.

The trading volume on the market has been said many times. The moving average and the K-line chart are all nonsense. They are the trajectories that this coin has gone through. No matter how good the various moving average indicators are, they cannot withstand the pressure of bad news. Some empty pulls are on the top of the currency list. If you encounter air coins, the market volume ratio can't see the funds entering the market at all, so you must be careful in the deep water of the currency circle, especially this time the Ethereum spot ETF was approved, and Ethereum and its related currencies were pulled up in turn, which fully demonstrated how much influence the news has on the market.

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