Odaily Planet Daily News Stargate releases V2 version on X platform, the launch schedule is: May 27 20:00: V2 pool and incentives are online; May 28 20:00: V2 bridge is enabled. Specifically, Stargate V2 uses on-chain liquidity pools with native assets to facilitate the bridge between them. There will be a 24-hour liquidity migration period to ensure that Stargate has deep enough liquidity when the V2 bridge is enabled. This migration will start at 20:00 on May 27. At this time, the V2 pool will be available on stargate.finance/pool. Users will be able to deposit liquidity and start earning LP token rewards by making deposits to Stargate's Farm. In terms of security, the code base of Stargate V2 has been audited by 4 independent organizations, and StargateDAO is voting on launching a $10 million bug bounty program in cooperation with Immunefi. In terms of the Stargate V1 pool, according to the DAO's vote, V1's rewards will gradually decrease in the next few months. Users are free to choose whether and when to withdraw any liquidity from the V1 pool. On the developer side, applications built on Stargate V1 are recommended to migrate their applications to V2, as V1 may eventually have liquidity limitations. Full developer documentation will be released with the V2 protocol on May 28. Earlier news, the Stargate V2 proposal has been voted through by the community and will introduce transaction batching and dynamic credit allocation.