You only need to wait for a phenomenon to trade in cryptocurrencies;

Books about the financial market are generally not practical. But ordinary investors simply do not have the energy or ability to learn them one by one. I think leeks only need to master the simplest and most practical method.

You only need to wait for a phenomenon to trade in cryptocurrencies, that is, to wait for the emergence of major negative news, and then analyze whether you can buy or not.

After the major negative news appears, the current price enters the third layer of positions, and then the third layer after the pie stabilizes, and the fourth layer on the right side.

Only buy reversible negative news, such as data negative news, political environment and other factors that can be eliminated. You also have to wait until the price of the currency falls out of value.

Before and after the appearance of negative news, there will often be three falls, first a big fall and then negative news; then a big fall, then negative news; and then a big fall. The first big fall lets leeks know the reason for the fall, the second hints that leeks cut their meat, and the third creates panic. So buy slowly and wait, never be in a hurry.

Of course, don't expect to get immediate returns when buying based on negative news. Trading is waiting for opportunities. What reason do we have to buy and make money immediately? Never forget that money doesn't come in a hurry!